9. Result Streams and Result Readers

Result streams and result readers are the means that allow QMTest to externalize and internalize test results.

9.1. text_result_stream.TextResultStream

A TextResultStream displays information textually, in human readable form. It is used when QMTest is run without a graphical user interface.

9.2. xml_result_stream.XMLResultStream

An XMLResultStream writes out results as XML. The resulting file can be read back in using an XMLResultReader.

9.3. pickle_result_stream.PickleResultStream

A PickleResultStream writes out results as Python pickles. The resulting file can be read back in using a PickleResultReader.

9.4. sql_result_stream.SQLResultStream

An SQLResultStream writes results out to an SQL database. To read results from an SQL database use SQLResultReader.